Go 9x9 Opening Examples
Some of the openings found in the Sensei's Library.
Points: tengen (middle point), hoshi (star point, 4-4), takamoku (high point, 5-4), komoku (small point, 3-4)
Orthodox (tengen)
Curveball (tengen)
Hand Fan (tengen)
Windmill (tengen)
Sword (tengen)
Jump Attack (tengen)
Soccer Juggling (tengen)
Headbutt (tengen)
Crossline (tengen)
Pendulum (tengen)
New Orthodox (takamoku)
Slider (takamoku)
Secret Agent 033 (takamoku)
Andromeda (takamoku)
White Slice (takamoku)
Kodachi (takamoku)
Jump Attachment (takamoku)
Boots (takamoku)
Zazen (takamoku)
Lunar Eclipse (hoshi)
Black Boomerang (hoshi)
Flower (hoshi)
Bean Throwing (hoshi)
Sea Fairy (mokuhazushi)
Flower Fairy (komoku)